Uttaran Hindi Serial Story Till Now

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  1. Uttaran Movie

Uttaran Movie

Prince of tennis doki doki survival english patch. There is a English Poem recitation and Ichchha gives her name. The teacher who comes to know this, reprimands Ichchha and asks when she does not know to utter a single word of English how can she recite a poem. Ichchha tells the teacher to remove her name but the teacher tells her that now it is too late and her name cannot be removed. The teacher tells her that in the function very big people are coming to watch and now she has to participate. Ichchha participation in English poem spreads in the school like a wild fire among her class-mates. Ichchha is sad and Damini who finds her sad asks her the reason. Ichchha tells her that in two days she has to prepare and recite the English poem and she is going to be teased by all in the school.